filesystem optimizations (Re: comments on KDE performance tips)

Alexander Kellett
Thu, 16 Jan 2003 18:58:32 +0100

On Thu, Jan 16, 2003 at 07:35:30PM +0100, Roger Larsson wrote:
> You can see the mmap calls, so you have quite a chance to know what MIGHT
> be needed in future...
> Maybe that would be a good enough tool? One that detects the mappings and
> reads those ahead - kernel could also do that for mappings that are less to 
> some limit.

i'd kinda of agree. but i think a disk access logger would
solve the program in a neater way personally. xp does all
this kinda stuff iirc. in fact, a filesystem defragmenter 
could be fed all the info also.


"[...] Konqueror open source project. Weighing in at less than
            one tenth the size of another open source renderer"
Apple,  Jan 2003 (