filesystem optimizations (Re: comments on KDE performance tips)

Alexander Kellett
Thu, 16 Jan 2003 17:51:30 +0100

On Thu, Jan 16, 2003 at 05:30:13PM +0100, Roger Larsson wrote:
> The nice thing is that once you start a program it reads more or less exactly
> the same stuff from the filesystem. If it, or another program, records this 
> info - can be done with strace - and plays it back so that reads are done
> immediately when the data is requested it might feel like a win but now
> you have to be very careful not to create two threads that compete with
> eachother. And you will still do "random" accesses. And since the original
> program will get cached data all the time it will quickly catch up.
> [I have tried this]

problems is that from what i understand libraries are
most of the loading time and libs are not read directly
but mmap'ed thus nothing will be seen in the strace :(


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