[Kde-nonlinux] Re: kde 3.4 (arts) Install Problems

Adriaan de Groot groot at kde.org
Mon Jan 31 09:11:52 CET 2005

On Sunday 30 January 2005 23:19, Dave Feustel wrote:
> Arts wants pkg-config installed (why?). Ok, I did that.

Because pkg-config is used by an awful lot of dependencies to indicate flags 
and whatnot. It is supposed to fail gracefully without it, though, since 
without pkg-config arts won't be able to find some dependencies, and if those 
are optional dependencies, there shouldn't be a problem.

> Now it wants glib2-2.0 installed. I already have glib2-2.4.5 installed.
> Why is that not good enough?

Look in configure.log .. chances are, it's a linker error that kills the glib 
test, caused by missing flags or whatnot (for instance, I need to configure 
arts with CFLAGS=-pthread since it fails with threading errors otherwise).

> How many more surprise package requirements are going to be
> sprung on me as I keep rerunning configure?

See www.kde.org/info/requirements/3.4.php -- though this page does not 
document arts at all.

As George points out, using arts 1.1 is a better idea if you want to avoid all 
the extra dependencies.

Don't worry, 't ain't no shame to be stupid - ol' mouse.
    GPG: FEA2 A3FE Adriaan de Groot

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