[Kde-nonlinux] kde-cvs on MacOSX with QT_MAC

Guido guidonte at libero.it
Fri Aug 15 10:59:33 CEST 2003

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I'm trying to compile kde-cvs for MacOSX 10.2.6 (with a Fink 
installation in /sw and Apple X11 in /usr/X11R6), but I'm having some 

I compiled Qt 3.1.2 with "-qt-gif -thread", linked the libraries to 
/usr/lib and set the needed environment variables: all seems to be ok.
Then I downloaded kdelibs and kde-common from cvs and configured with 
"--enable-mac --without-arts", but there seems to be still X11 
dependencies needed: when I "make" it cannot find some files.
I'll attach the output of ./configure and make.

Can you help me? Or "--enable-mac" is still too experimental?
I'd like very much kde3 could be ported to MacOSX (even if I chiefly 
use Linux), because IMHO portability is always a very good quality. If 
I can I'll help as far as my skills and time will permit.

Thank you for working on KDE!
Guido Amoruso

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