StrongSwan update and VPN Icon

maurus rohrer maurus.rohrer at
Mon May 31 22:35:36 CEST 2010


Quite a while ago I added the strongSwan VPN Plugin. I made some changes,
it's now possible to connect with a private key and certificate. Could
someone please commit the new strongswan vpnplugin? (to big for the list,
send it directly to Will and Sebas)

There is still no notification, if a VPN connection gets activated. The
problem is the applet only changes the icon from the signals from the device
in solid, since a vpn connection is no device, nothing happends.
I made a patch which reacts to the changes of a vpn connection. Could
someone review it? It's kind of a workaround but it seams to work. It reacts
on the signals "activatableAdded" form RemoteActivatableList, if a new
RemoteInterfaceConnection is added and it is a VPN connection it listens on
the changes of his state, and then updates the icon... The only problem now
is that, it's not recognizing a active VPN connection on the applet startup
:( I made a diff from the svn repo. I also updated the ToolTip, it shows the
name, vpn icon and the time connected of a VPN connection.

2 moths ago I sent a patch, fixing the not stored password problem in the
VPN connection. Did anyone had a chance to review it?

greetings maurus
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