kde network manager and pam_mount

Rob Verduijn rob.verduijn at gmail.com
Mon Apr 5 14:11:12 CEST 2010

I implemented a solution a couple hours ago. Somebody told me to try wicd.

The drawback of wicd is that I must diverge from the default opensuse
configuration (which uses kde network manager)
This means the wicd solution will bite me at some time in the future
because it's not the default in opensuse.

Switch back to traditional network configuration (ie ifup/ifdown)
Define a default wifi connection.
Install wicd http://wicd.sourceforge.net/

users can still select a different wifi network if they wish to.
It is possible to use ldap/ads/networked authentication mechanism.
it works with pam_mount
Does not need the wifi configuration added for each additional user
that for some reason uses the laptop on the same wifi network.

not standard included in opensuse 11.2 (available in the opensuse build service)
possible future compatibility issues.

I'll keep an eye on the (kde) network manager mailing list to see if
the features get added some time in the future.

Rob Verduijn

2010/4/5 Valentine Sinitsyn <valentine.sinitsyn at usu.ru>:
>> This is not a solution when you want to use the credentials used at login.
> No problem either - just use dbus-send to ConsoleKit in order to get an
> active user uid for the previous command. Not that pam_mount can't be used
> in this scenario, but at least I haven't ever used it and configuring it is
> really not a KNM/NM development issue. NetworkManagerDispatcher lets you
> know when (and where) you are connected - after that, it's up to you how to
> implement the scheme. I just thought simple mount call would be easier to
> implement, but it perfectly okay to use anything else you may see fit.
> Regards,
> Valentine

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