KNetworkManager4 is driving me nuts

Will Stephenson wstephenson at
Sat Dec 5 16:40:50 CET 2009

On Wednesday 02 December 2009 19:46:17 Rolf Eike Beer wrote:
> Ok, this seems to be at least 4 different problems:

Hi Eike - I'll respond point by point:

> -limiting a network to a connection (even the correct one) renders it
>  unusable and the broken code causes the 
'disappearing connection' case.

> -connections can sometimes be correctly shown even when the network is not
> connected and you have no way of connecting them without restarting the
>  whole networkmanager (requires sudo or root permissions)

This is a systemic problem in NetworkManager.  NetworkManager and nm-applet 
share a connection library that includes validation functions.  But it's very 
glib-based so I don't want to use it.  NetworkManager validates connections 
when a user client makes them available but does not give any feedback to the 
client when they are invalid.  Instead it silently ignores requests to 
activate them (as you noticed with 'Clicking on it doesn't change anything'.

> -when networkmanager is restarted and no connection to connect to can be
>  found (e.g. first bug) the entire context menu of the systray icon stays
>  deactivated

I'll investigate this; I am aware of the behaviour you describe but hadn't 
found the cause - this is a good lead.

> -properties for connections from context menu of connection does not work

This was not yet implemented when openSUSE 11.2 shipped, it is implemented in 
trunk though.

> Still reading? Your luck ;) At the end I still like it. Creating a
>  connection is really easy (if it works). The new systray framework rocks.
>  When I hover the systray it should not only display "Active" but also the
>  name of the network or anything like that. But that's polishing. But what
>  really is missing is a way to get any logging or report what is wrong when
>  something is not working.
> Yes, this was rather negative. My apologies. I really like that program. I
> just want it to work and don't drive me nuts ;)

No worries, this was the most constructive "... is driving me nuts" mail I 
have read in a long time.  If you want to take over the "KDE 4 is driving me 
nuts" threads on opensuse at we might actually solve some problems!

> P.S.: Please CC me as I'm not on the list. If you just want to flame me: do
>  it off-list.

The list is moderated though and I may not check the queue every day to let 
your mails through.


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