dbus-1-qt3 release

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Wed Jun 4 18:25:21 CEST 2008


I've been constantly testing NM 0.7 and knm 0.7. It looks like it's 
beginning to shape up and knm 0.7 is entering a stage, where it is 
usable. As a prerequiste of knm, dbus-1-qt3 needs to be packaged.
I'd like to start with that for Debian.
Unfortunately, there is no official dbus-1-qt3 package.
I checked the SVN repo [1], but there isn't a tagged version anywhere. 
It's also a bit weird, that configure.in.in has the version 0.7, but it 
seems there is a version 0.8.1 floating around in suse [2].

It would be nice, to have an official dbus-1-qt3 release, with proper 
versioning etc.


[1] svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/branches/work/dbus-qt4-qt3backport
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