Request for testing (KNetworkManager 0.2)

Jan Stanzel zakharov at
Mon Jul 2 10:04:36 CEST 2007

> Hi,
> Since we are about to release KNetworkManager 0.2 I would like you
> to have a look at the tarballs at [1] I've made today. If no severe bugs
> pop up until next Friday I'll release the revision 674918 as 0.2.
> Especially it would be great to have the distribution maintainers to
> give it a try in order to avoid any distribution specific issues which I
> am not able to dig for.

I finally got this revision to compile (I've been using 0.1 before). I kept

./.libs/ undefined reference to

and lots of other "undefined reference"s, until I realized that the Makefile
seems to specify networkstatus.h (and, by inclusion, networkstatuscommon.h too)
as needed for building the, but didn't really seem
to be used anywhere in the actual code. Being rather afraid of meddling with the
Makefile behemoth itself, I opted to simply clear the code from networkstatus.h
and comment out the inclusion of networkstatuscommon.h (the other includes are
intact, however).

Everything seems to be working now, even without the networkstatus.h, it
compiled just fine and I'm using the new knetworkmanager right now.

The only other thing I've noticed is that often, trying to connect to a public
Wireless LAN hangs at various stages, mostly at the point of trying to get an IP
by DHCP, sometimes even at setting up the device, even though connecting
manually at the command line works just fine, but I suspect that's some problem
with NetworkManager and calling dhclient correctly, I will have to have a good
look at this. Sometimes it simply works.

By the way, I'm on Gentoo, but I meddled with the compile issue with the bare
code provided by you, so I really can't tell if it's got anything to do with the

Fine work you're doing, knetworkmanager is really nice, especially when getting
around a lot and having to connect to thousands of different Wireless LANs. As a
final note, though, information about knetworkmanager is really hard to find.
Maybe someone should put together some small homepage with infos what's going
on, where the repository is - if it's public accessible at all - and some
statement that the project is alive.. I know, nobody has time for such lame
things ;-)

Hope this helps,


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