D-Bus requirements of knm-0.7

Michael Biebl biebl at debian.org
Mon Dec 17 11:14:51 CET 2007

Hi everyone,

over the weekend I tried to compile knm-0.7 svn.
It failed, because ./configure was looking for a dbus-1-qt3 pkg-config file.
The qt3 dbus bindings in Debian/Ubuntu are based on [1] afaik, and I
thought this was the "official" repository of the qt3 dbus bindings.
The old knm also successfully compiled against this qt3 bindings.

After looking around, it seems knm 0.7 now requires dbus-qt3 from [2].

Is this now the canonical source for the qt3 dbus bindings?
Should these bindings replace the old ones, are they backwards
compatible or are they meant to be coinstallable?


[1] http://cgit.freedesktop.org/dbus/dbus-qt/tree/qt3
[2] http://websvn.kde.org/branches/work/dbus-qt4-qt3backport/
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