beta1 of phonon 4.11 / vlc 0.11 / gst 4.10

Harald Sitter sitter at
Sat Aug 24 11:55:17 BST 2019


newly available beta1 releases of all phonon tarballs are now available

Do note that because of large scale cleanup in the cmake logic older
backends do not build with this version of libphonon.

Other changes of note:
- qt4 is gone. if you still want qt4 I'd advise forking the old source
  and build it separately. since the 4 and 5 builds are fully co-
  installable this will work fine.
- new phononsettings application. this is replacement for the phonon kcm
  and has intentionally no desktop file as the settings (besides backend
  selection) are super advanced and in part even conflicting with more
  widely used stuff such as PA device selection. think of it akin to
  solid-hardware, a handy tool for specific use cases, but generally
  shouldn't be necessary. it's built by default, installing it by
  default is up to you, if you don't install it I'd advise that you
  make backends switchable via your package manager somehow though (e.g.
  installing  one uninstalls the other automatically)
- cmake 3.5 is now required
- using kdeinstalldirs in place of gnuinstalldirs
- cmake and ccflag settings are now controlled by ecm exclusive
(previously we'd dupe a lot)
- PHONON_BUILD_DESCRIPTOR option no longer supported
- PHONON_BUILD_DECLARATIVE_PLUGIN option no longer supported. it never
  made much sense for Qt5 and implementation-wise it never was fully
- PHONON_INSTALL_QT_COMPAT_HEADERS option no longer supported. it was
  utterly moot on qt5 as there was no QtPhonon to be compatible with
- PHONON_NO_DBUS option no longer supported. the dbus interface was only
  exposed for interactionwith the KCM and that use was removed years ago
- PHONON_ASSERT_STATES option no longer supported. the state machine is
  now always asserting, as per Q_ASSERTs own behavior (i.e. only for
  Debug-ish cmake builds)
  supported. replaced by ECM's KDE_INSTALL_USE_QT_SYS_PATHS
- lots and lots of stuff now uses ECM macros instead of ancient tech or
  custom hacks


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