Babe project - Legal feedback

Christian Ohrfandl christian.ohrfandl-Re5JQEeQqe8AvxtiuMwx3w at
Sat Feb 3 18:13:57 GMT 2018

Hey Camilo,

not an expert but I recommend you to ask a lawyer. Just think of Youtube:
There are different viewing restrictions depending on the country you are
living in. Maybe streaming audio is equal... You could also ask the
streaming service providers how to proceed...


Am 03.02.2018 17:07 schrieb "Camilo Higuita Rodriguez" <
chiguitar-806IAjFJSxTQFizaE/u3fw at>:

> Hi,everyone
> I'd like to discuss something with the community, and maybe get some legal
> input:
> As some of you might already know I'm working on a open online platform to
> share music information between users, such as public playlists, comments
> on tracks and on the playback progress like soundcloud, share popular music
> suggestions, metadata, and discovery of new music from another users with
> integration with YouTube and Spotify etc... the platform will be integrated
> into Babe music player and could be use in any other music player
> The legal matter comes here:
> 1- I would like to either have the option to *stream live* the music an
> user is currently listening to to a group of friends. here the music file
> isn't being storaged in the audience computer...
> How ilegal is it? How illegal is to stream live, but privately,
> copyrighted music?  and how illegal is it to stream owns music content to a
> selected group of friends?
> 2- If the stream part wouldn't be enought problem, I'd also like to sync a
> user playlist marked as public to some other friends, that would mean to
> share music files between users, and technically downloading another users
> music files. How illegal is this part? how illegal is to share a music file
> for example, in a conversation in telegram or whatsapp, or even how illegal
> is it to send a mp3 to a friend over an email or even over google drive?
> I'd like to get feedback about this issues.
> As the project is going to be hosted by the KDE community this streaming
> part won't be implemented to avoid legal issues, but however I would like
> to have this discussion to get as many feedback as possible.
> Thank you.
> Camilo
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