Dropping mplayerthumbs from 16.08

Michael Palimaka kensington at gentoo.org
Fri Mar 25 08:36:18 GMT 2016

On 25/03/16 09:49, Albert Astals Cid wrote:
> El dimecres, 23 de març de 2016, a les 20:31:48 CET, Michael Palimaka va 
> escriure:
>> Any thoughts about dropping mplayerthumbs from 16.08?
>> It seems basically untouched for years, and I'm not sure if it's useful
>> anymore now that dolphin is ported to KF5.
> Tehy could be ported to KF5 too, no?

Sure, if someone is willing to do it.

> Any idea how these compare to ffmpegthumbnailers? Better, worse? thesame?

In my experience ffmpegthumbs is a bit faster because it uses ffmpeg
directly instead of having to call mplayer for each file.

It looks like there was some interest in ffmpegthumbs replacing
mplayerthumbs when it was introduced
(http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.kde.devel.general/61129/). Some
distros such as Fedora appear to no longer ship mplayerthumbs too.
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