What kde-multimedia wants to say in conf.kde.in?

Shubham Chaudhary shubham.chaudhary at kdemail.net
Wed Feb 19 18:50:14 GMT 2014

Hi everyone,

Yayyy I'm going to conf.kde.in. So guys I will talk about
opportunities available in kde-multimedia in conf.kde.in. A whole lot
of new enthusiastic contributors will attend this event. I will
discuss about various projects in kde-multimedia that could use some
help from them. I wanted to share the views of community.
I have this interesting idea. Why don't you guys post a video to share
something or just say hi to everyone there in conf. I will play those
videos. It'll be fun and really cool. Grab a camera and just say hi if
not more.
If you've some interesting story, while contributing or mentoring,
please share do it. If there is anything else that you think I shall
share, please let me know. I'd be really delighted to hear from you

PS: I'll blog about conf here:
Warm Regards,
Shubham Chaudhary || http://www.shubhamchaudhary.in

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