continuous play

Marcos Dione mdione at
Mon Sep 9 17:39:48 BST 2013

    I'm not even talking about gapless here. I have a toy audio player. 
What I want to achieve is simply this: when the current song is about to 
end, pick another song, add it to the play queue. when the song really
finishes, the one just queued should be played automatically. how the 
song is picked is not important.

    I'm using two features for that: MediaObject.aboutToFinish() and
MediaObject.enqueue(). the attached script (in python, using pyqt4) is an
example of this. the script accepts two files to play using that scheme.

    I'm using both phonon-vls and phonon-gstreamer. setting their debug 
envvars to 1 gave not much more info, but here's the output with VLC:

mdione at diablo:~/src/projects/trash & toys$ python /usr/share/sounds/purple/alert.wav /usr/share/sounds/purple/login.wav 
WARNING: Phonon needs QCoreApplication::applicationName to be set to export audio output names through the DBUS interface 
[0x1429cc8] main services discovery error: no suitable services discovery module

    and then nothing. similar with gstreamer.

    I think maybe I'm doing it wrong. what I want, is it possible? if so,
how? maybe my phonon version  is too old, but this is from Debian Sid: 

mdione at diablo:~/src/projects/osm$ dpkg -l | grep phonon
ii  libphonon-dev                                4:                   amd64        multimedia framework from KDE - development files
ii  libphonon4:amd64                             4:                   amd64        multimedia framework from KDE - core library
ii  phonon:amd64                                 4:                   amd64        multimedia framework from KDE - metapackage
ii  phonon-backend-gstreamer:amd64               4:4.6.3-1                     amd64        Phonon GStreamer 0.10.x backend
ii  phonon-backend-gstreamer-dbg:amd64           4:4.6.3-1                     amd64        debugging symbols for the Phonon GStreamer 0.10.x backend
ii  phonon-backend-vlc                           0.6.2-2                       amd64        Phonon VLC backend
ii  phonon-backend-vlc-dbg                       0.6.2-2                       amd64        Phonon VLC backend debugging symbols
ii  phonon-dbg:amd64                             4:                   amd64        multimedia framework from KDE - debugging symbols
ii  python-qt4-phonon                            4.10.2-2                      amd64        Python bindings for Phonon
ii  python3-pyqt4.phonon                         4.10.2-2                      amd64        Python3 bindings for Phonon
ii  python3-pyqt4.phonon-dbg                     4.10.2-2                      amd64        Python3 bindings for Phonon (debug extensions)



(Not so) Random fortune:
Cynic, n. A blackguard whose faulty vision sees things as they
    are, not as they ought to be. Hence the custom among the
    Scythians of plucking out a cynic's eyes to improve his vision.
	    -- Ambrose Bierce

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