Review Request: Add MPRIS2 support to JuK

Eike Hein hein at
Fri Apr 20 00:38:52 BST 2012

> On April 19, 2012, 10:24 p.m., Michael Pyne wrote:
> > Thanks, oddly enough Eike Hein also recently contributed some code to support MPRIS2 since Konversation will soon only support that. See I didn't have a good tester for it though, and it sounds as if you've implemented more of the interfaces (so far we only have the Player interface).

Michael is being a bit generous there, what I've actually done is implement MPRIS2 for Dragon, and he's doing the job of porting my Dragon code over to JuK right now.

Check out git at for that code (I'm about to update it to reflect MPRIS 2.2).

I have a hunch that your next task would be to work on Dragon, so you can rest comfortably that the work is already done.

- Eike

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On April 19, 2012, 8:01 p.m., Alex Merry wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
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> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated April 19, 2012, 8:01 p.m.)
> Review request for KDE Multimedia and Michael Pyne.
> Description
> -------
> This adds basic support for MPRIS2 to JuK (
> Some (optional) things are still unsupported as I have not figured out how to make them work.  Notably, it is not possible to seek, as the naive implementation (calling PlayerManager->seek()) behaves strangely (the existing D-Bus interface doesn't support seeking, either).
> The existing collection interface is not replicated.  Most things from the existing player interface are implemented in this MPRIS2 interface (I think the only exception is that MPRIS2 does not have an "album random" option).
> Diffs
> -----
>   CMakeLists.txt 9bd57f6c08abd9b144b0abc1775702284d6af753 
>   mprisproxy.h PRE-CREATION 
>   mprisproxy.cpp PRE-CREATION 
>   org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.xml PRE-CREATION 
>   org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.xml PRE-CREATION 
>   playermanager.h 0eec655b487c5e0e37856b39e128087038987f05 
>   playermanager.cpp 54f601d19f801327f45b3157ed090aa785370583 
>   volumepopupbutton.h 6fb621b10c9a29f11d66869aac6451ed52935d79 
>   volumepopupbutton.cpp 76bd95d8e8713ace3afcba0ee510fdb19d6777b3 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Tested using the MPRIS2 tester application (
> Thanks,
> Alex Merry

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