Hi Guys,Does anyone know whether the Phonon uses X11?

Trever Fischer tdfischer at fedoraproject.org
Sat Jun 11 18:31:19 BST 2011

On Friday 27 May 2011 04:53:49 W W wrote:
> Hi Guys
> I want to use Phonon as my media framework.
> But my QT version can not use X11.So I'm not sure the Phonon uses X11?
> I know I the phonon will use gstreamer and xine to decode.
Phonon has a build-time dependency on X11. Without it, you wouldn't have the 
VideoWidget, seek slider, or other GUI bits. Additionally, the two supported 
backends (VLC and GStreamer) both have build-time dependencies on X11.
> So could someone to answer my question?
> Thanks very much
> BR
> Simon

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