[PATCH] juk: keep the order of tracks when loading a plain playlist.

Michael Pyne mpyne at kde.org
Thu Jun 9 01:25:01 BST 2011

On Thursday, June 09, 2011 03:00:32 Γιώργος Κυλάφας wrote:
> 2011/6/8 Michael Pyne <mpyne at kde.org>:
> > How does this interact with playlists that are *not* manually sorted?
> > Wouldn't this call disable that automatic sorting, or is that
> > re-enabled later while the Playlist is loading its settings from the
> > KConfig?
> The original sorting column is restored in
> http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdemultimedia/juk/cache.cpp?revision=1012680
> &view=markup#l211.
> The problem was that, when the files were added (line 202, ends up
> calling Playlist::read), the default sorting column (Artist) would be
> used, which messed up the order they were saved. If the restored
> sorting column was an existing one, there would be no problem. But if
> it was column()+1, i.e. manual sorting, the original order had been
> gone.
> So, my patch just makes sure that no sorting happens while the files are
> added.
> Initially, I was unsure whether I should put the setSorting() call
> before line 202, or in Playlist::read. However, I thought that perhaps
> in the future Playlist::read could be called from other places. So by
> putting setSorting() there, I made sure that the files of a Playlist
> are always restored in the order they were saved.

Alright, looks good to me then.

 - Michael Pyne
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