Documentation update for kdemultimedia
Burkhard Lück
lueck at
Fri Mar 5 21:30:27 GMT 2010
Am Freitag, 5. März 2010 22:01:55 schrieb Christian Esken:
> Am Freitag, 19. Februar 2010 00:57:44 schrieb gaurav chaturvedi:
> > > 4) KMix needs an update, gaurav any news here?
> >
> > Hey sorry for being late. Burkhard, I have just sent you a mail with
> > the documentation tar ball. Let me know if anything needs changing.
> Hi Burkhard,
> any news when this is going to be added to SVN?
Gaura's draft is in branches/work/doc/kmix
I thinky it should be more task oriented, describe use cases, give background
- simple use case in the system tray
- advanced use cases?
- what are all the strange names? Master, PCM, Mic etc?
- what happens activating these channels?
- where are they usefull (record etc?)
- why to split a channel
- problems like this one I had some time ago:
KMix shows here as default PCM in the systray, I dont know why. One day I had
No sound any more even if my volume PCM was unmuted and at 100%. Reason was
that I had accidentially muted the Master channel.
So why do I have PCM in systray but need to unmuted the Master channels
and set its volume to > 0%?
Please have a look at the old kmix doc, afaik there was some information like
Christian, please have a look at the draft and review/update it.
> I am very keen to see your work, Gaurav. :-)
> Also I would like to make the DCOP => DBUS transition in the docs. And add
> explanation of the parameters for closing
Add it to branches/work/doc/kmix please.
Burkhard Lück
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