Amarok + PulseAudio: volume control changes global volume

Nikos Chantziaras realnc at
Tue Jul 6 19:49:53 BST 2010

On 07/06/2010 04:21 PM, Colin Guthrie wrote:
> [...]
> Just like you avoid consolekit and possibly other things that make up
> part of a modern, standard desktop, you'll find it increasingly hard to
> get support from people involved with upstream projects.
> I'm all for experimenting and trying out new things and doing it your
> own way etc., but it's important to realise the disadvantages while
> stepping off the well trodden path. Good luck :)

I should also mention that I'm definitely not "doing my own thing".  I 
am using upstream provided options and no 3rd party patches.  I am using 
everything the way they were meant to be used by upstream and therefore 
what I do is completely supported.

On another note, PulseAudio is not part of the "standard desktop".  From 
personal experience I can tell you that your chances of getting support 
from upstream go down if you actually use PA.  The usual answer is "if 
you want less bugs, please disable PA."

So I guess "the disadvantages while stepping off the well trodden path" 
are quite relative...

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