RELEASE: GStreamer Ugly Plug-ins 0.10.13 'Appointed Point'

Jan Schmidt thaytan at
Wed Oct 21 17:42:54 BST 2009

This mail announces the release of GStreamer Ugly Plug-ins 0.10.13 'Appointed Point'.

GStreamer Ugly Plug-ins is a set of plug-ins that have good quality and correct
functionality, but distributing them might pose problems. The license on either
the plug-ins or the supporting libraries might not be how we'd like. The code
might be widely known to present patent problems.
For more information, see
To file bugs, go to
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Release notes for GStreamer Ugly Plug-ins��0.10.13 "Appointed Point"

The GStreamer team is proud to announce a new release
in the 0.10.x stable series of the
GStreamer Ugly Plug-ins.

The 0.10.x series is a stable series targeted at end users.
It is not API or ABI compatible with the stable 0.8.x series.
It is, however, parallel installable with the 0.8.x series.

"When you have to shoot, shoot.  Don't talk."

There are times when the world needs a color between black and white.
Quality code to match the good's, but two-timing, backstabbing and ready to
sell your freedom down the river.  These plug-ins might have a patent noose
around their neck, or a lock-up license, or any other problem that makes you
think twice about shipping them.

We don't call them ugly because we like them less.  Does a mother love her
son less because he's not as pretty as the other ones ? No  - she commends
him on his great personality.  These plug-ins are the life of the party.
And we'll still step in and set them straight if you report any unacceptable
behaviour - because there are two kinds of people in the world, my friend:
those with a rope around their neck and the people who do the cutting.

This module contains a set of plug-ins that have good quality and correct
functionality, but distributing them might pose problems.  The license
on either the plug-ins or the supporting libraries might not be how we'd
like. The code might be widely known to present patent problems.
Distributors should check if they want/can ship these plug-ins.

Other modules containing plug-ins are:

contains a basic set of well-supported plug-ins
contains a set of well-supported plug-ins under our preferred license
contains a set of less supported plug-ins that haven't passed the
    rigorous quality testing we expect


Features of this release
      * Improve A52 decoder
      * Add AMR-WB decoder and AMR-NB decoder/encoder based on OpenCore codecs
      * ASF playback improvements
      * Improve mp3 parser and seeking

Bugs fixed in this release
      * 519721 : [asfdemux] wma tags are not copied when converting to another format
      * 584890 : AMR plugins based on Opencore codecs
      * 585956 : [mp3parse] indexing improvements
      * 590432 : It's only possible to build the mad plugin when building id3tag as well
      * 591348 : AMR plugins should check for opencore-amr .pc files
      * 592787 : a52dec: Allow liba52 to use djbfft based IMDCT transform
      * 596517 : x264 element no longer compiles against changed upstream API
      * 598272 : a52dec leaks input buffers
      * 598370 : Properly detect pre-releases


You can find source releases of gst-plugins-ugly in the download directory:

GStreamer Homepage

More details can be found on the project's website:

Support and Bugs

We use GNOME's bugzilla for bug reports and feature requests:


GStreamer is stored in Git, hosted at, and can be cloned from there.
Interested developers of the core library, plug-ins, and applications should
subscribe to the gstreamer-devel list. If there is sufficient interest we
will create more lists as necessary.

Contributors to this release
      * Christian Schaller
      * David Schleef
      * Edward Hervey
      * Iago Toral
      * Jan Schmidt
      * Josep Torra
      * Mark Nauwelaerts
      * Mart Raudsepp
      * Marvin Schmidt
      * Michael Smith
      * Olivier Cr��te
      * Ren�� Stadler
      * Sebastian Dr��ge
      * Stefan Kost
      * Thiago Santos
      * Tim-Philipp M��ller
      * Wim Taymans
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