[Phonon][Patch] add a method to get the current frame number

Sylvain "Skarsnik" Colinet scolinet at gmail.com
Thu Mar 20 15:59:39 GMT 2008

Here a patch that add a method to the mediaObject class
for getting the current frame number.

qint64 currentFrameNumber(), return -1 on failure

Why a method for that?
I like karaoke, and I need to write a multios Lyrics timer,
the format of time's file is frame based so I need the frame number.

I make the method in mediaobjectinterface not pure to don't break
compilation of backends, but if you prefer I can add the method in all
backend (return -1 when unimplanted)

Attached also the patch for xine backend, It herits the currentTime bug
(when no tickinterval is set) because the only way I found in xine to get
the frame number is calculate it with the frame duration.

I have a quick look at gstreamer, and It seems also the way to get it.
It very unaccurate with stream with variable FPS

Also attached a small use case that just print the frame number on mouse
click and release event.

Sylvain "Skarsnik" Colinet

Victory was near but the power of the ring couldn't be undone
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