Phonon 4.2 and integration for Qt 4.5
Matthias Kretz
kretz at
Mon Jun 16 13:18:33 BST 2008
On Monday 16 June 2008, Matthias Kretz wrote:
> I'll come up with a patch for phonon/4.2 how to avoid SC breakage.
Attached is a patch that will keep SC for backends. If a backend wants to
implement the new interface it needs to either
or inherit AudioOutputInterface42 and implement
I prefer the -DPHONON_BACKEND_VERSION_4_2 way because it's safer to not miss
anything and stays that way for the next version.
note: to work correctly it needs a patch to automoc that I've been using for a
long time now which adds all the defintions gcc/g++ will be called with to
the arguments of moc.
Matthias Kretz (Germany) <><
MatthiasKretz at, kretz at,
Matthias.Kretz at
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