amaroK 'Fast Forward' 1.4-beta3 Released!
Aaron J. Seigo
aseigo at
Mon Apr 10 22:27:55 BST 2006
On Monday 10 April 2006 03:00, Mark Kretschmann wrote:
> * amaroK now has a custom icon theme, and an option to switch back to
> the system icons, if preferred (in the General settings section).
*sigh* extremely disappointing. i understand the desire for consistency within
amarok, but the default setting here is wrong. in your quest to make a good
application, you're forgetting that it's one part of a larger whole.
optimizing for non-defaults and saying "screw that" to standard desktop
infrastructure such as icon handling is really poor form.
not to mention the config item is in the "wrong" place in the configuration
dialog (e.g. not in "appearance") and the installation of the icons seems to
be broken in svn so all i get is a bunch of generic icons instead of the new
icons. =/
the config dialog notes that it needs a restart .... if you either used a
KToolBar instead of putting QToolButtons into an HBox or did:
in AmarokConfigDialog::updateSettings()
and then listened for the iconChanged signal from kapp and reloaded the icons
in the toolbuttons, you'd be all good. in fact, as it stands, if someone
changes the icon theme on the desktop i'll bet the icons don't change in
amarok until a restart happens either. would be nice to fix problems like
that before adding yet more layers of amarok cuteness on top of what
exists? ;)
other than that, a rather nice release.
Aaron J. Seigo
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