noatun normalize for 3.5?

Felix Berger bflat1 at
Mon Mar 28 00:12:24 BST 2005

On Sunday 27 March 2005 19:20, Charles Samuels wrote:
> Actually, I should add that ideally it wouldn't be part of the Noatun
> namespace (just so that we can safely add it to libnoatunarts in the
> future, if we want to).

It wasn't so much about the namespace, but about being in the same library. I 
only understood now, that it's not necessary.

A first release has already been made available on

Yet, the discussion further down in the original thread is still valid:

My normalize effect is shown in the effects view though it only makes sense in 
conjunction with the plugin. The proposal had been to introduce a "visible to 
user" property which could be queried by the trader in effects.cpp.

This would hide the effect, which is useless in other contexts, and thus 
prevent the user from thinking it's broken.

+               vector<string>* visible = offer.getProperty("Visible");
+               if (visible->empty() || visible->front() == "true") {
                QCString name = offer.interfaceName().c_str();


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