Sound when kde starts

Pedro Jimenez pedrojg84 at
Thu Feb 10 21:41:06 GMT 2005

Hello, I have a problem with the sound to play when kde starts and I
was wondering if anybody had the same problem. At control center -
Sound & multimedia  - system notifications I have selected to play a
sound when kde starts; but when it starts nothing happens. If at
"player settings", I pick use external player (xmms) then xmms is
launched and the sound is played; but I'd like that xmms doesn't have
to be opened only for this. I have read something about a bug but I
don't know if that's true.

  I'm using kde 3.3.2 at debian sid, don't know sure if using artsd or
alsa, I think artsd

  Could somebody help me? I'd like to reproduce the sound (wav)
without using an external player

Thanks =)

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