Wanted: KMix configuration files

Christian Esken esken at kde.org
Sun Aug 14 22:31:48 BST 2005

Am Sonntag, 14. August 2005 23:16 schrieb Kevin Krammer:
> On Sunday 14 August 2005 23:09, Michael Pyne wrote:
> > BSD users should note that the amixer and /dev/sndstat stuff applies to
> > Linux ALSA only, not sure what Christian wants to do about that.

Ah, right. Does BSD probably have /proc/sndstat instead? And does this inlcude Mac OS X ? ;)

> I am not sure the suggestion to run the script as root in case /dev/sndstat 
> can't be read is a good idea.

If /dev/sndstat can't be read, then please go on without it. I am not yet sure in how far OSS will be affected by the change: Probably I am not going to change the ID's for the OSS-Backend, and then things are getting easier. So I guess it will be enough, if I receive a couple of /dev/sndstat.

> This will result in root's KMix configuration being taken and root might not 
> be even running KDE.
> I not sure if the resulting data is of any help to Christian
> Btw, cat /dev/sndstat results in in error on my machine, even as root
> (but is using ALSA)

This is why I formulated the "2> /dev/null" clause :-)

cat /dev/sndstat  > $dir/dev-sndstat 2> /dev/null

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