kdemm backends & Helix

Ryan Gammon rgammon at real.com
Tue Sep 14 19:25:34 BST 2004

Hi guys,

I was poking around kdelibs/kdemm on make_it_cool, looking at some of 
the neat stuff you're doing with multimedia.

A couple of quick questions:
1. Is anyone interested in a helix-based implementation of these 
interfaces? (helixcommunity.org, helix client is the open-source media 
engine that powers the RealPlayer).
2. I'm a little confused by channels -- if there's something someone can 
point me at that talks a bit about what this is, it'd be much appreciated.
3. If one wanted to provide access to extended media engine 
functionality with these interfaces, how would they go about doing it?

For example, we developed a simplifed gtk widget around the Helix Player 
for our Helix Player 1.0 / RealPlayer 10 for linux project. There's a 
lot of media engine functionality that we didn't want to add to the gtk 
api -- we wanted to keep it simple -- so we added a mechanism to get at 
the underlying engine.

Let's say I wanted to make playback statistics (packet loss, etc) 
available to an app, but that statistics was not something that was 
standardized enough across backends that it made sense for kdemm.

Would I implement those methods on a hypothetical HelixVideoPlayer 
class, and cast from a VideoPlayer up to a HelixVideoPlayer in my app?

Ryan Gammon
rgammon at real.com
Developer for Helix Player

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