[Patch] Kmix alsa addtions

Stefan Gehn mETz81 at web.de
Thu Dec 23 17:33:46 GMT 2004


Am Donnerstag, 23. Dezember 2004 17:28 schrieb Walt H:
> Good. I've been running kmix with the patch applied on 3 separate
> computers in my house (1 audigy based sound) with no obvious ill effects
> for the past week.  I have not, however, tested this patch on any other
> emu based sound card systems. I would think that if they're similar to
> how my Audigy works (element is both playback / record), that it should
> operate fine. Be nice to get some additional feedback from users :)

I will try it on my machine as soon as it's cobbled together again (upgrading 
to Athlon 64 failed due to the broken mainboard I bought *sigh*). I'm using 
ALSA and a SB Live 1024 Player (i.e. 4.0 channel sound).

Bye, Stefan aka mETz

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