audiocd: mp3 compiled but not available ?

Pavel Troller patrol at
Tue Aug 31 05:38:39 BST 2004

> On Monday 30 August 2004 16:11, Pavel Troller wrote:
> > Hi!
> >   I have a problem in my new 3.3.0 installation (3_3_BRANCH), that audiocd
> > ioslave can't work with mp3.
> You have to have lame installed.  The library is loaded dynamically to get 
> around the fact that most distros won't ship it.
  Of course I have it, I wouldn't write this otherwise :-).
  I correctly specified its path to the configure script, it was found and
included in the Makefile:

Makefile:LAME_INCS = -I/opt/sound/include
Makefile:LAME_LIBS = -L/opt/sound/lib -lmp3lame -lm

  However, it doesn't work because I've found in the source code, that the
library is searched just in /usr/local/lib and /usr/lib, which, as You can 
see, is not my case :-). I patched the code and changed /usr/local/lib to
/opt/sound/lib and yes, now it works :-).
  So I think it's an imperfection (not really a bug) of the source, because
the building system knows about the LAME location but ignores it. It should
be solved, for example by adding a -DLAME_LOCATION=<real location> option to
the compiler and making the code search it there, instead of, for example,
/usr/local/lib, or in addition to the paths searched normally.
  I can try to write the patch. Would it be accepted and incorporated to
the source ?
                                    With regards, Pavel Troller

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