kde-multimedia kmix applet

Christian Esken c.esken at cityweb.de
Thu Aug 26 14:42:50 BST 2004

On Thursday 26 August 2004 13:59, Bill Hotmail.com wrote:
> Hi all,
> I recently upgraded to kde3.3 from kde3.0 (too late indeed). The applet for 
> kmix in kde3.0 had the "master 3D Contr   PCM     Synth     Line   Line-In  
> Line-In " in panel with the level  visible and controllable with mouse 
> directly.  Now in kde3.3 I get the image of a "speaker" instead of the 
> control. Therefore everytime I have click it and then move the volume 
> (master) control. Is it possible to get the applet run like in the older 
> version kde3.0.

Have you just updated KDE or also your complete system?
For example, have you installed a new distribution - and if yes, what one and which version?


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