Who is going to Akademy? Organizing a meeting ...

Christian Esken c.esken at cityweb.de
Thu Aug 19 12:57:55 BST 2004


is anybody going to Akademy?
I would really like to see a kde-multimedia meeting - it can be organized loosely, like a BOF.

Many things could be discussed, like
1) The futute Audio-Server or Streamer. Things have been proposed, like

NMM http://www.networkmultimedia.org .


OpenML http://www.khronos.org/openml/         (free, but probably not opensource)

MLT http://mlt.sf.net                      (looks very early-stage)

Keeping ARTS


What I would really like is: If somebody has used any of those products, it would be good if he could give out information of that.
The presentation form is irrelevant at this point - show applications, make a speech, browse the web, ...
Anyone capable and willing to do so?

2) Interaction of KDE applications
 How do Video-Players, Audis-Server(s) and Mixer(s) interact
 How can they share limited ressouces (Soundcard)
 How will they know about changes to the hardware (plugging in an USB sound card, Volume changes, ...)

3) any more stuff.
I am aware that some people might already be on their way to Ludwigsburg, so I will try to announce a kde-multimedia BOF on Akademy.

See you,

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