RC1 uploaded

Charles Samuels charles at kde.org
Mon Aug 9 09:24:27 BST 2004

On Monday 09 August 2004 12:59 am, Stephan Kulow wrote:
> Am Montag 09 August 2004 02:14 schrieb Charles Samuels:
> > Icecast is still broken and I would like this fixed before release.
> Patch? Bug report?

As per Allan Jensen:
	"Fixed. I didn't have a streaming source among my standard regression test. 
Now I do ;)"

As per Stefan Gehn:
	"No idea why but it still does not work here and I'm too lazy to check why. 
I'll stick to what was in CVS one week ago."

And I reproduced Gehn's bug.

So no bug report but we may just need to revert unless Allan fixes it first.


Charles Samuels <charles at kde.org>
 You don't lose when your guy doesn't get elected, you lose when your
 guy does get elected and it's a republican.

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