aiff file through KPlayObject sounds bad

Leif Huhn leif at
Mon Mar 31 23:58:04 BST 2003


I'm using a KPlayObject to play an aiff file, on SuSE 8.1, KDE 3.1.1.
It sounds awful.  I think maybe aRts is treating it as a raw
PCM or something, but really I have no idea.

  KPlayObject *playobj = factory.createPlayObject("file:/whatever/SND10.aiff", true);

I get the same problem when I run

  $ noatun SND10.aiff

However if I run

  $ sox SND10.aiff SND10.wav
  sox: Do not support signed (2's complement) with 8-bit data.  Forcing to unsigned
  $ noatun SND10.wav

it sounds right.

The sample is at:

Why does the AIFF play incorrectly?

I tried searching kde-multimedia and the aRts mailing lists,
reading the docs, and browsing the CVS.  Still haven't a clue.



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