
Arnold Krille kde at arnoldarts.de
Wed Mar 26 12:43:30 GMT 2003

On Tuesday 25 March 2003 21:49, Joerg Anders wrote:
>   http://rnvs.informatik.tu-chemnitz.de/kartstest/servertest.html
> You find a very simple test program. It's central code implements the mouse
> click event:
>  virtual void mousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * e ) {
>       printf("Pos 1\n"); fflush(stdout);
>       KArtsServer *kartsserver = new KArtsServer();
>       printf("Pos 2, kartsserver = 0x%x\n", kartsserver); fflush(stdout);
>       kartsserver->server();
>       printf("Pos 3\n"); fflush(stdout);
>  }

Don't know why you would ask a reference to a SoundServerV2 and then drop 

Will test it a soon as my kde3.1.1 is compiled...


PS: The code I have in mind is more like that:

// returns true if the soundserver is suspended.
bool checkSuspend() {
	KArtsServer *server = new KArtsServer();
	bool suspend;
	if( server->server().secondsUntilSuspend() == 0) suspend=true;
		else suspend = false;
	delete server;
	return suspend;

You have to include <arts/kartsserver.h> and <arts/soundserver.h> and link 
against -lartskde
This is untested but I think it should work...
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