[linux-audio-dev] Fwd: CSL Motivation (fwd)

Stefan Westerfeld stefan at space.twc.de
Sun Mar 2 23:39:51 GMT 2003


On Thu, Feb 27, 2003 at 06:21:20PM +0100, Jozef Kosoru wrote:
> Well, AFAIK the current CSL implementation is rather poor. There is
> aRts and OSS output only (not even ALSA!) and no pluginable interface
> yet.

Well, you're right. CSL is not complete, and probably will not be for some
time, as adding a CSL driver for a platform without testing is virtually
impossible, thus we need to rely on third party contributions, there. I
however do hope that CSLs code quality in those parts that are completed is
good ; if not I'd really like to hear criticism on specific points.

The pluginable interface is planned ; maybe it will be completed for the
next release.

> > On the other hand, if you added JACK support to CSL, you could also mix the
> > output of all of these "sound servers" into JACK, without endangering your
> > latency properties.
> The sound server has to support other sound servers. A bit sane, isn't it?

Its a practical consequence of the "one size doesn't fit all" rule of
software development. But that way you can have interoperability while still
having diversity.

   Cu... Stefan
  -* Stefan Westerfeld, stefan at space.twc.de (PGP!), Hamburg/Germany
     KDE Developer, project infos at http://space.twc.de/~stefan/kde *-         

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