[Bug 55426] file open menu does not display any file

Michael Flohr flohr at itp.uni-hannover.de
Sun Mar 2 23:16:21 GMT 2003


I have exactly the same problem: noatun and kaboodle don't show
any mp3 files and don't play them when given them on the
command line.

However, all the arts plugins are there, e.g. mpeglib_artsplug
with  its libarts_mpeglib-0.3.0.so.0.0.3 etc. are there.
I have installted the SuSE rpms for my SuSE 7.3
I have then recompiled the kdemultimedia tarball with all the
mpeg stuff enable but nothing helped.

So, why does artsd not pick up all the nice plugins?


|   M i c h a e l    F l o h r      _____      fax : +49 -(0)511 762 3023    |
| Inst. for Theoretical Physics      _|_      voice: +49 -(0)511 762 3656    |
|         University of Hannover    / | \    office: +49 -(0)511 762 3267    |
|                  Appelstrasse 2   \_|_/   email: flohr at itp.uni-hannover.de |
|       D-30167 Hannover - Germany  __|__  www.itp.uni-hannover.de/~flohr/   |

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