MusicMan: New Release 0.8.3

Avi avi at
Tue Jul 29 00:32:14 BST 2003

There is a new MusicMan release available: 0.8.3

MusicMan is a Konqueror plugin that lets you:

. Standarize the filenames of your music files.
. Guess info and set ID3 tags from the file's name. Can be done to 
  several files in one shot.
. Rename _ to space and vice-versa.
. Create HTML and Text indexes of your collections, including total
  playing time etc. 100% cofigurable thru templates.
. Create nice CD cover with nice full listing of your music files. 100%
  configurable thru templates.
. Organize your music collection to create a CD.

Download RPM, source, screenshots and more info at

For who already know this project, here is the changelog for this

0.8.3 27/Jul/2003
- Included <math.h> in musicindexgenerator.cpp to clean compile on SuSE
- Set to not show progress dialog in some KIO operations
- Minor updates to .spec and index.html (website) files
- Duplicated images in different templates now symbolic links.
Dereferenced when installed
- Swaped buttons in dialogindexerinfo.ui

Thank you,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Avi Alkalay <avi at>
+55 11 3673-4209 | 9659-9059
Think Open :: Think Linux

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