KDEs' Multimedia needs

Tim Jansen ml at tjansen.de
Mon Feb 24 19:16:53 GMT 2003

On Monday 24 February 2003 14:33, Stefan Westerfeld wrote:
> > > - network transparency (?)
> > This is what I like about MAS.
> There is code somewhere in kdenonbeta which adds encoding to aRts. Its just
> a matter of some more work to get it moved into the mainstream aRts.

The difference is, if i understand it correctly, that the stuff in kdenonbeta 
always re-encodes. For example if you play a MP3 on the client it will decode 
it, encode it in the transmission format, send it to the server, and the 
client will decode and play it.
With MAS it should be possible that the client streams the mpeg data over RTP 
directly to the server, and the server decodes the mpeg data and plays it. 
Possibly this requires that the MAS client is aware of networking though (and 
functionality like that will not be possible with a abstraction layer like 


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