aRts vs JACK

Stefan Westerfeld stefan at
Mon Feb 24 13:26:02 GMT 2003


On Sun, Feb 23, 2003 at 02:19:13PM +0100, Tim Jansen wrote:
> On Sunday 23 February 2003 00:30, Neil Stevens wrote:
> > You wrote that a lot more diplomatically than I would have.  Yes, if
> > someone wants linux-specific audio, he should join the existing linux
> > audio efforts.  
> Yes, but the problem with most other Unices is that they are virtually 
> unmaintained, sound-wise. The state of audio on Linux may be bad, but the 
> rest is much worse. If they want more than rudimentary sound, they should 
> start working on it :)

Another problem is, that everybody writing audio software collects twenty
drivers in his code, to be portable. If only CSL would be finished quickly,
all this work could go in more useful projects. ;)

   Cu... Stefan
  -* Stefan Westerfeld, stefan at (PGP!), Hamburg/Germany
     KDE Developer, project infos at *-         

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