Media Options for KDE 4

Kai Vehmanen kai.vehmanen at
Sun Feb 23 16:22:00 GMT 2003

On Sun, 23 Feb 2003, Tim Jansen wrote:

>> Uhm, why? JACK aims at deterministic execution and low latency, both
>> critical quality factors for VoIP.
> Because MAS uses RTP as internal protocol, and RTP is also used by all 
> This means that a VoIP app can let the other side send the audio and video 
> data directly to the MAS server. It does not have to receive the RTP traffic 
> and then forward it to the sound server or, even worse, decode it and send 
> decoded sound data to the sound server.

Ok, I admit, that's interesting. Are there any existing implementations
and/or demos of this? Although the signalling stuff doesn't really need
any extra work as the media and signalling paths are in any case already
separated. But you need to somehow signal the MAS server that it should
receive the audio stream from a 3rd party, and make sure the MAS server
has all the necessary codecs available.

Anyway, JACK still fits to the picture. If I'd like to use VoIP as well as
use JACK apps, I'd then would prefer for MAS to use JACK as its output.  
Afaik the MAS developers follow linux-audio-dev and are aware of JACK
(although no support yet). So just to show that JACK is not a competitor
to the various desktop/network-media-oriented audio servers.

 Audio software for Linux!

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