Probs w. Kmid / SB AWE

Christoph Dohmen chdohmen at
Tue Feb 4 07:00:54 GMT 2003

Am Montag, 3. Februar 2003 20:19 schrieb Roger Larsson:

> Do you use ALSA like me?
Yes, I use ALSA. The one shipped with the suse 7.3 or may be it was updated 
with suse-kernel 2.4.19?

> Does this work?
>  pmidi -p 65:0 file.mid
I'll try it out.

> But not with
>  kmid file.mid
Well, if I open a file within kmid I can start playing, but the sound keeps 
away :-( Within the settings-dialog I can't select any midi-device. And the 
readme says, compile it yourself and enable awe-support.
But even if I do that, I can't see any midi devices!

Christoph Dohmen                    ChDohmen at

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