NoteEdit 2.1.1 end-bar

Thies Eggers thies.eggers at
Thu Apr 17 21:06:29 BST 2003


I'm using NoteEdit 2.1.1 (installed from source without any problems) and 
export all to MusiXTeX later (SuSE 8.0, KDE 3.0.5).

I have the following difficulty (and haven't found a solution in the handbook 
- sorry):
In the end of my tune I have inserted a "RepeatClose" bar, which should be 
there and repeat the whole tune to the end. The program adds now on top of 
this bar also a new bar-number as if the tune might continue (what it 

When I export this with MusiXTeX to *.tex and later to *.dvi as descibed in 
the handbook this results in a "double-bar" in the end of the tune, which 
looks a bit odd. Meaning there is the "rightrepeat" bar (as intended) and 
then followed by the "normal" end bar (which shouldn't be there).

If I don't include the "RepeatClose" bar and leave the last bar just open, all 
goes fine (after export it has just the end bar). But that's not how it 
should look like.

Any ideas or major shortcoming from my side?

Best regards and Happy Easter, Thies

Summary in German - Deutsche Zusammenfassung:
Am Ende meines Stückes soll ein Wiederholungszeichen stehen, welches ich wie 
oben beschrieben eingefügt habe (insert "RepeatClose"). Nach der Umwandlung 
in *.tex und dann weiter nach *.dvi wird mir jedoch zusätzliche zu diesem 
Wiederholungszeichen noch ein "normaler" Endtaktstrich eingefügt; was aber 
nicht sein sollte.
BTW_OT: Gibt es ein englisches Wort für "Taktstrich"?


 Thies Eggers
 current location: 62.36N 29.45E

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