Is it me? (was: [patch] KRec)
Richard Bown
bownie at
Fri Sep 6 07:45:20 BST 2002
On Thursday 05 September 2002 14:15, Arnold Krille wrote:
> My background is this: I was thinking of a
> multitrack-recording-studio. I began with the GUI, while I was
> looking into aRts (effects and such things...). Then I needed to do a
> recording with my laptop which has 1.7Gb for win and 18Gb for Linux.
> I needed a recording-tool for Linux but there was non for my
> favourite GUI, so I started to write one.
> One plan for the multitrack-idea is to look into Brahms...
Why don't you start by looking at ardour? Seeing as that it already
_is_ a multitrack audio recording studio (gtkmm, JACK, ALSA) and work
from there? Or if you're stuck on KDE/Qt look at MuSE or Rosgarden
which both support audio too (ALSA/JACK) and could easily be extended?
One thing I think we've learnt from artsd and the subsequent decision to
split the functionality of it (at some point) into that supporting
"multimedia apps" and that supporting "sequencer apps" is that fitness
for purpose has got to be a major part of your decision making process.
Just my 2c.
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