[PATCH] KPlayObject fixes for asynchronous generation + patch for kaboodle

Matthias Welwarsky matze at stud.fbi.fh-darmstadt.de
Mon Sep 2 18:42:39 BST 2002

On Monday 02 September 2002 00:13, Neil Stevens wrote:

> I just realized this can't go into KPlayObject, because it will break
> compatibility just as severely as if you'd broken binary compatibility.
> Look at it this way: if Kaboodle *can't* work unmodified, then no other app
> that uses KPlayObject can, either.

Yes, I see this, too. I originally planned to get it working as a drop-in 
replacement, but I see now that it's not possible. And even if kaboodle 
worked unmodified, I cannot promise that any hypothetical application out in 
the wild will work.

So, I'll implement a new Class. However, I'm reluctant to calling it 
"KPlayObjectV2" or something like this. How are peoples feelings about 
namespaces? I remember there were thoughts about moving most "K" classes into 
a "KDE" namespace with KDE4, so what about calling the new class 
"KDE::PlayObject", and the Factory "KDE::PlayObjectFactory"?

Is there any possibility to versionate symbols in a C++ class library?


Matthias Welwarsky
Fachschaft Informatik FH Darmstadt
Email: matze at stud.fbi.fh-darmstadt.de

"all software sucks equally, but some software is more equal"
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