A problem with device detection in k3b

Pavel Troller patrol at sinus.cz
Sun Nov 24 18:00:32 GMT 2002

  I would like to try k3b. It looks wonderful and I hope it will be usefull
as well.
  However, I can't pass the third step in its config program - the CDROM/RW
device selection.
  My system consists of one CD-RW drive. It's ATAPI and my SCSI emulation
IMHO works:

root at arcus~# cat /proc/scsi/scsi
Attached devices:
Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 00 Lun: 00
  Vendor: RICOH    Model: CD-R/RW MP7063A  Rev: 1.50
  Type:   CD-ROM                           ANSI SCSI revision: 02

  The problem is that the device is automatically detected as a READER.
Because I don't have another read-only device, I need this one to be
used as reader as well as writer. I tried to add it manually by entering
the same path (/dev/scsi... ) as k3b detected it but I'm told that there is
no additional device present.
  I tried this process several times but I don't have an idea how to handle
                                                 With regards, Pavel Troller

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