artswrapper defanged

Martijn Klingens klingens at
Fri Jul 12 14:21:48 BST 2002

On Friday 12 July 2002 15:01, Neil Stevens wrote:
> My personal suspicion is that the UI itself will keep the user from
> creating a big problem for himself unless he is *Trying* to take things
> down.  As you start more and more realtime decoders, the main UI will be
> less and less responsive, keeping you from starting many more decoders.

Hmm, I was under the impression that an unresponsive GUI due to realtime 
processes already indicated the scheduler and the kernel have a hard time 
doing even the most basic maintenance. In other words, as soon as you can't 
start more movies due to too high load you're already screwed anyway because 
the very same too high load already makes the system flakey in the first 
place. Might be a terribly wrong reasoning of my part though. If so, 

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