distributing kde apps in maemo repositories

Aleix Pol aleixpol at kde.org
Mon Oct 18 02:08:16 CEST 2010

I've been working recently on KAlgebra mobile version and I'd like to push
it for maemo repositories.

How much of a bad idea would you think it would be to make kdecore and kdeui
into maemo repositories? I guess the best would be to have to do it when
PR1.3 (expecting Qt 4.7) is released but I think we should start to think
about it.

Note: it's not yet on a relase state, I just would like to have it there, I
have contacted someone who is interested on contributing the package, so I
just need to fullfill my dependencies :).

Note 2: While it isn't ready, would it be possible to push packages on the
kdab repositories? To be able to have it together, at least.

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