Install presence

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at
Tue Jun 22 11:54:42 BST 2021

On Tuesday June 22 2021 15:43:53 Ian Wadham wrote:

>> I just remembered an episode a few years back. I was discussing a Mac tweak of on of the plasma components on the plasma-devel ML (could have been DrKonqi, could have been the platform plugin, or ) and one of the key plasma devs said something tell-tale like "I think I'm going to break that, just because I can". I presume it's still easy to elicit a knee-jerk reaction there by invoking the idea of supporting a relevant set of KCMs on other platforms…
>I think this may have been to do with DrKonqi, which was not working on Mac OSX and probably never had worked there.
>In the second and third quarters of 2014, I was working on fixing DrKonqi and KCrash.

No, it was well after 2014, and well into the KF5 era with its split between KDE Frameworks, Applications and Plasma.

>You may have visited the Plasma devs about this, René. During the transition from KDE 4 to KF5, they unilaterally decided to move the source code of DrKonqi from KDE 4’s kde-runtime to somewhere in the KF5 Plasma source-code tree, thus making it more-or-less inaccessible for porting to other platforms. I hope it has been returned to somewhere more suitable now.

My DrKonqi port is at, from oct. 2019 . It still works so I have little push to update it, but back in the day it was still in plasmaland.  I do think there's a consensus or at least acceptance of the idea that it should work on all platforms, and it even has (had?) support for MSWin debuggers.
Either way, it'd be pointless to impose the use of the native crash reporter on Mac - it only sends reports to Apple ;)

>Then the above-mentioned bug report dragged on till after Christmas 2014, because of another bug that appeared only in LINUX versions of DrKonqi after Bugzilla changed versions in July 2014....

There are still occasional glitches (NB: I haven't actually submitted a crash report in months!) but those are often related to a backtrace that has become too long. Sometimes I'll create a manual bugreport if that happens (and the bug seems severe enough) but my patience with crippled tools and arbitrary limits (except the ones I put on my own time ;) ) has grown very thin indeed.

Indeed, good luck with the presentation (think of that as said in Han Solo's voice O:-) )


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