Install presence

Ben Cooksley bcooksley at
Wed Jun 16 09:44:28 BST 2021

On Wed, Jun 16, 2021 at 12:31 PM Aleix Pol <aleixpol at> wrote:

> Hi Mac, Windows,

Hi Aleix,

> I'm preparing the Akademy presentation for the "KDE is All About the
> Apps" goal and I'm looking to explain a bit the state of things.
> I don't have direct information about both KDE apps's Mac and Windows
> user base. Would you be able to give me some information or give me
> access to it? It would help me paint a picture of the state of things.

While we don't capture any analytics on this ourselves (as the KDE
Telemetry stuff is fairly limited in use at this stage) we do have access
to Telemetry information captured by Microsoft for the Windows side.

To my knowledge, Apple don't capture much in the way of analytics (or if
they do, they don't make it available) so there won't be anything available
for macOS i'm afraid.

Please file a Sysadmin ticket to request an account on our Microsoft
Partner centre account and we can go from there.

> Thanks!
> Aleix

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